03 July, 2010

Rear Ejection

Length: 21"
Diameter: 1.64"
Altitude: 1000'-2000'
Skill Level 3

This one is easily my most ambitious project to date. This rocket combines two things that I have always wanted to try; Clustered motors and rear ejection recovery. What I did was put the parachute in the motor mount tube seal off a chamber a few inches above that and put two motors, one per pod, and pipe the gases into the recovery section.

This design provides a few very nice features. First off, by having the motor and recovery systems neatly packaged at the back of the rocket it leaves most of the length of the body for payload. It is completely isolated from the hot ejection gases so who knows what you could put in there. An additional feature that is more useful if you are more like me and like to just fly the rocket is the fact that because you have two motors you have a redundant recovery deployment system. If one motor doesn't do it the second one might.

I just ordered the parts to build this one a few days ago so I will let you know how it goes when I finally fly it.


So I flew this one back in October on two B6-4's with an altimeter on board.  It flew to 332 feet which was only 3 ft off of what RockSim Predicted.  This is quickly becoming one of my favorite rockets.

1 comment:

Maloertscher said...

I attempted to fly this one in November of 2010 but both motors failed to ignite. since I was Only using A8-3's the motor that did ignite didn't have enough ummmph to get it of the pad. It went higher when the parachute tried to come out the back which is a good sign. I mean the parachute would have come out.