03 July, 2010

Bumble BEE

Length: 12.063"
Diameter: 1.32"
Altitude: 1200'
Skill Level 2ish

The Bumble BEE was conceived as a, " What am I going to do with that nose cone?" project. I think the nose cone came in a pack I bought when I built stratosphire and had been floating around for years since. The body tube was the left overs from building the Pickerel and the idea of having the motor mount hang out the back end came from Design 1 ( I really need to come up with a name for that thing) and needing more space for the streamer and recovery wadding. I haven't flown this one yet so hopefully it really works.

1 comment:

Maloertscher said...

I did a test launch of the Bummble BEE yesterday and it worked quite well. Very pleased with this design.